Increase Conversions with AI

Try multiple versions of your website or app and let ezbot automatically deliver winners based on your goals.

Explore Benefits

⚡ Supercharge Your Bottom Line with AI

Use our platform to test almost anything

Visual Changes

Use our powerful, no-code Visual Editor to test alternative images, text, colors, layouts, styles, and more

Price Testing

Test multiple prices for any product or service simultaneously. Charge more to those who are willing to pay more


Use our powerful AI to learn which messaging works best for your customers and deliver winners automatically

How It Works

Our platform is easy to use with any website builder and any programming language

Install ezbot

Simply copy/paste our code snippet on your website and you're ready to go

Create Variations

Use our no-code Visual Editor or use our predictions in your code to test alternative images, text, colors, layouts, and more.

Capture More Value

As our AI learns, our predictions improve, along with your revenue – or any other KPI you care about – no human required after setup.

Key Benefits

ezbot was purpose-built to help you quickly and safely deliver tailored digital experiences that maximize conversions, at scale.

Works Everywhere

Our platform works with any website builder, language or framework.

Clear Insights

Our dashboard shows you ezbot's performance over time – in plain English.


All features available in our UI can be used and automated via REST API.


No Engineer Required

Use our no-code Visual Editor to test alternative images, text, and more without an software engineer.

Admin Portal

Add variations to your website, view results, and manage your account from our easy-to-use admin portal.

Any Scale

ezbot offers a range of plans to suit your needs, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Our Difference

Until recent advances in AI technology, experimentation was the gold standard in making data-driven decisions.
Now, experimentation is just a more costly, less effective alternative to AI-driven optimization.


ezbot optimizes entire user experiences, not single variables or features like traditional experimentation tools.


ezbot adapts to changing customer preferences over time by continuously retesting variations.


ezbot automatically discovers and delivers optimal digital experiences over time – no human required after initial setup.

Meet the Team

Each of us brings a unique skill set and perspective that will contribute to your company’s success with ezbot.

Griffin Cox


CPO, Head of Sales

Griffin previously led the development of Optimizely's flagship experimentation tool. For over 10 years, he has evangelized the power of experimentation and personalization.

James Nowell



James was previously a Principal Engineer at Peloton. He has expertise managing enterprise event-driven architectures with distributed data processing.

Haydée Marino



Haydée has an MBA from Booth School of Business. She has experience with data analytics, statistics, strategy, and entrepreneurship.

how ezbot works

Frequently Asked Questions

Most websites and apps are built with a specific goal in mind, such as selling products or services or engaging visitors with content. Once a website or app is live, the challenge becomes improving it over time it to achieve those goals. This requires a systematic approach to learning what your customers want and delivering the best possible experiences to them.

To optimize your website, use a systematic, data-driven approach to test different variations and learn what works best for your audience. This can involve A/B testing headlines, images, layouts, pricing, and more. Instead of guessing, use tools like ezbot or traditional experimentation methods to identify the most effective elements. While traditional tools can be slow and require large sample sizes, AI-driven tools like ezbot streamline the process and provide faster, more reliable results.

Digital experimentation is the process of systematically testing various elements of your website or app to causally identify what resonates best with your audience and drives desired outcomes, such as increased conversions, engagement, or revenue.

When repeated over time, experimentation becomes optimization: a continuous process of testing, learning, and improving that helps you achieve your goals and deliver the best possible experience to your users.

Personalization is an outcome: it involves tailoring the experience of using your website or app to individual users or audiences based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics.

Experimentation is a process for delivering personalized experiences through repeated testing to find which variations work best for a given audience.

Personalization and experimentation are complementary and both contribute to the overall goal of delivering the best possible experience to your users.

The single biggest predictor of success in digital experimentation, personalization, and optimization is the number of variations tested.

That means that the more variations you test, the more likely it is that you will discover and deliver the best possible experiences to your users and capture the most value for your business.